Hercules is the strongest god.
Did you kno? Hercules is Zeus's son.
Wen Hercules wos a baby he strangled 2 snakcs.
Dictated to Mama:
I like Hercules because he was a hero. Hercules killed a lion in a story. Did you know one of the labors that Hercules had to do was fighting a boar. And Hercules won.
Excellent work Aidan. I did not know all about Hercules and the boar. Thanks for sharing that.
Do you think that the two snakes slithered into his crib? Yikes!
By Rob, at 3:21 PM
Wow Aidan Hercules sounds so strong. He sounds like he was very brave. You did a great job telling us all about him. Thank you
By AmyEllen16, at 4:56 PM
Cool Blog!!
By Dee Light, at 12:01 AM
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By Anonymous, at 8:08 PM
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